Ted Turner is an American media mogul, he is well know as co-founder of CNN.Born in 1938 in Cincinnati, Robert Edward used to called Ted Turner III was the oldest child of Edward and Florence Turner. When Turner was 9, his father a native Southerner, moved the family to Savannah, Georgia, where he formed the outdoor advertising venture Turner Advertising Co. As a problem child, Turner spent much of his youth in military schools in Georgia and Tennessee. He wanted to go to the Naval Academy, but instead enrolled at Brown University at his father's insistence. He was eventually expelled from Brown when he was caught with a woman in his room-a flagrant violation of school policy.
Life is a game. Money is how we keep score.
At the age of 24, Turner inherited his father's company and immediately set out to stop the deal his father had set into motion before ending his life. The buyer agreed to void the sale, and under Turner's management, the company thrived. But it wasn't long before Turner became bored with billboards. Deciding to diversify, in 1970, he bought the near-bankrupt Atlanta TV station Channel 17. He renamed the station WTCG (for Turner Communications Group) and plastered unleashed billboards with prominent advertisements for the new Channel 17.By showing primarily reruns of sitcoms such as "Gilligan's Island" and "Leave It to Beaver" and old black-and-white movies, Turner had the station turning a profit within three years. But he knew that eventually he would have to run original programming if he wanted sizable growth. Sports seemed to be just the ticket. His first success came with wrestling. Turner built a full-sized wrestling ring in his tiny headquarters building and broadcast live professional wrestling matches. Ratings soared, but his biggest coup was winning the rights to broadcast Atlanta Braves games. The station became so dependent on the Braves that Turner purchased the team in 1976, ensuring a regular and marketable source of programming.
His superstation a success, Turner looked for other ways to exploit satellite technology, and proposed launching a 24 hour live news network. Turner was not the first to think of an all news channel. Other media heavyweights had long thought about doing it, but were leery after very costly failed attempts. Turner's gut told him it was a good move. Risking everything he owned, he started the Cable News Network in 1980, and once again, the gamble paid off. According to many experts, by providing live coverage of breaking events, CNN transformed the way news was reported. "The definition of news was rewritten-from something that has happened to something that is happening at the very moment you are hearing it," Time magazine editors explain.
He is a person who dreamed a future and he created his future by himself, he even created a future of CNN. He is a happy person, because he can enjoy with what he has earned in whole life.He works a lot, and that helps him to be active and energetic more, that helps him to go and see more further dreams and goals. He also did not want to earn money in a bad way, whatever he has today, he spent all his life working, straggling for better life, and he proved that only hard working helps people to achieve their goals.
24 hour Llive News